Developer Update | Halloween Terror, Map Reworks, Systems Updates & More
Join Game Director, Aaron Keller, and the OW2 dev team to explore map reworks, systems updates, the enchanting Mythic Spellbinder Widowmaker skin, and all the tricks, treats, and talents that have been brewing in the new Halloween Terror game mode–Junkenstein’s Laboratory.
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Have a ghoulishly good time when Overwatch 2 Season 13: Spellbinder arrives Oct 15.
Overwatch 2 is free to play for everyone on console & PC!
Overwatch is dead
extreme cringe
Can I move the killfeed from the upper right corner to the center of the screen? 🤩🤩🤩
When I'm a tank, I can't see my teammates die in time during a teamfight.
Hey guys if you dont keep Junksteins Lab mode permanently, imma go back to barely playin the game.
That Mode is prolly the most fun thing about the game and makes the game really feel like OW.
ow2 is dead, just cancel it
I absolutely love the new laboratory game mode, it's too much fun!! hope they make it permanent, please blizzard!!
Its a shame, what your company has turned into. A once respected game is now a moneygrabbing machine for a company that doesnt care about the community.
Your rating does not reflect reality. I hope your life is as terrible as your rating implies. You take money from players and are unable to solve simple problems. There is a person in my team who does not play the tank role, but that does not stop them from being part of the team. I am extremely disappointed and will be deleting your game. I wish your company every success.
you have long forgotten about the players, for you they are just bags of money. fix the rank system.
Imagine this game being as BAD as it is, full of bad balance, throwers, cheaters, smurfs, and endless one sided stomp matches…. literally not giving af about ANY of that, making the entire "game" revolve around greedy and overpriced microtransactions, and then making a video to act like you are actually doing something or care about the FORMER game of the year.
dam you have aged 50 years in 2 weeks
망하려고 작정을 했나 모이라를 왜 딜러로 만들어;;
I have some changes for widowmaker as I don't like my head getting blown off all the time.
List of changes.
Scope Charge Decay: Widow's scope charge gradually decays over time.
Scope Glare: Fully charged shots show a glare to enemies as a warning.
Cooldown Delay: After firing a fully charged shot, Widow cannot charge to full immediately.
Grapple Cooldown: A final blow reduces Grapple cooldown by some amount.
More in depth.
I know adding all of these changes at once might be to big of a nerf and i just want these to be out there as some ideas.
For the charge decay it would be nice if the widowmaker couldn't just charge her scope to full, hold one angle, click a button when someone walks by, then deletes them. I think having the charge decay when you hold the scope for too long would reduce ratty plays from widowmaker and make it so she needs to actually play the game like other people.
For the scope glare this might be to big of a nerf but has been talked about by other people so just wanted to put it out there. Making it so the glare only activates when she is at 100% charge would be nice and only being able to see the glare as the enemy if you are looking at her would make it so it's more as a warning that she is gonna blow your head off than something that would reveal her position as the person has to be looking at them so probably already knows they are there.
Now the charge shot cooldown. This one does feel kinda of weird and is more of a what if than the others. Having it so after she shoots at 100% charge she can only charge to like 85% for around a second would mean she can't just, charge, shoot, miss, charge, shoot, kill. It would mean they have to actually hit there first shot or the enemy would now just know where she is and the widow can't just get a quick second shot in to get someone before they can hide. I think having it charge upto some percentage where she can still 1 shot 225 hp targets and not 250hp and above would be more balanced.
Finally the grapple cooldown. I think this should only be added as a compensation buff if the other nerfs are added. As the nerd mentioned would change her playstyle and force her to constantly reposition or take angles that have more risk, making it so her grapple colldown is reduced after a final blow would tie that playstyle together and in my opinion promote a more fun way to play the character maybe having it completely reset after a kill like genji dash is a bit to good but who knows until it is in the actual game. I think having it not trigger after an elimination but only after a final blow would be good and having it reduce the cooldown by like 6 seconds would be fairly balanced.
But who knows. If anyone else wants to add something that they think would be a good change or if my suggestions could be alterd to be more balanced let me know.
Finally made a decent matchmaking? Finally cleaned up cheaters? Oh no wait, another bullshit video for money grab, game still dead.. ok later byee
1:39 “Whatever you decide, we want you to have a great time customizing and trying new things with your upgrades.”
Oh, so it WAS possible to introduce and maintain small-scale skill trees after all? Fancy that.
bring back Jeff Kaplan.
bring back Jeff Kaplan.
bring back Jeff Kaplan.
Matchmaking needs a rework and anti cheat
I am telling you what I wrote in the chat (easy game ez) (waste of time) (if you choose genji sniper tracer I will play with a tank I don't know) (heal dif) (dps dif) (no genji no widow) are these banned words that will require an account to be joined for 30 days? please make an explanation
And he is smiling in front of the camera. They ban people's accounts for no reason. Why aren't accounts banned in Call of Duty? Everyone swears at each other's mothers, siblings and children. Swearing is flying in the air, but accounts are not closed in Call of Duty. I have never sworn in this game, I have never used cheats. They don't even tell me why my account is closed. This game should be purchased with money. Can you make it so? Let's buy it for $500, even $1000. But accounts shouldn't be closed that easily?
theres people on my screen and theyre telling me about a game i play
23 replies
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Bro same!